The thing that transformed my health after receiving a major mental health diagnosis

8 limbs (ashtanga) the path I’ve been dedicated (tapas) to for over 18 years.

People often ask me what’s the one thing I have done to transform my health, get off psychiatric medications, and maintain harmony after experiencing mania/psychosis? The simple answer is YOGA.

Unfortunately, for most of us, when we think of the yoga we think of the movment practice and postures (asanas). This is only 1 out of the 8 limbs of Patanjali’s eight-fold path outline in the Yoga Sutras, a sacred yoga text that dates back to 200 BCE.

I’ve been on a journey of learning (svadhyana), practicing (tapas), and integrating (samadhi) these ancient teachings as well as the teachings of other ancient revered cultures and traditions, there are many!

The 8 limbs gave me the structure and direction I needed. As many say, yoga saved my life.

So what are the 8 limbs?

  1. Yama (outer world) which include:

    • ahimsa (non-violence)

    • Satya (truthfulness)

    • Asteya (non-stealing)

    • Brahmacharya (right use of energy)

    • Aparigraha (non-greed/non-hoarding)

  2. Niyama (inner world) which include:

    • Saucha (cleanliness)

    • Santosha (contentment)

    • Tapas (discipline/burning desire)

    • Svadhyaya (self-study, self-reflection, study of spiritual texts)

    • Isvarapranidaha (surrender to a higher power)

  3. Asana (posture ie. downward facing dog - adho mukha svanasana)

  4. Pranayama (breathing techniques/breath control)

  5. Pratyahara (sense withdrawal - often achieve through meditation or pranayama practice)

  6. Dharana (focuses concentration - often achieved through visualization, gazing, meditation)

  7. Dhyana (meditative absorption)

  8. Samadhi (bliss/enlightenment - aka living the dream!)

This path is woven into everything that I do and the work I do in supporting others on their journey.

Suse Silva