The biggest lie I was ever told…

… It’s not that simple.

When I started to tune out the opinions of others and began listen to my heart and intuition miracles happened.

I invite you to do the same.

“ Suse’s No More Mind Games” 3-month mentorship program is almost indescribable until you go through it yourself, but since I’m writing a testimonial I’m going to describe what it meant to me.

The program was nourishing for the soul both emotionally and spiritually, as Suse helps you ground in your own beliefs and truths while letting go of the outside noise.

In addition, suse also gives you tangible tools to assist in helping with the external noise and/or negativity when it surfaces.

The experience will probably mean different things to different people as there are so many good nuggets of soul work and emotional exploration, but for me the overall experience left me with a firm grasp and trust in myself, my abilities and that I deserve to show up as am.” - Angela Magill

Suse Silva