Journal prompts: Expressing your Truth

I recently experienced something that left me feeling all the feels and luckily had the intuitive nudge to open up the book Shadows before Dawn (now titled how to love yourself) by Teal Swan.

I “randomly” opened to the section Tool 9: Expressing Yourself. It’s all about the process of expressing your truth and getting to the root wound that is coming up/what is being triggered. She states, there are 5 basic parts that make up the complete truth when we are expressing ourselves:






It’s important to express and work through all parts, often we just focus on one of these parts which keeps us feeling stuck.

Working through each one with the questions she provides by saying them out loud (or you can write them) really helped me with my recent situation.


What am I angry about?

What/whom do I blame and why?

Whom/what do I feel resentment for and why?

It makes me so mad when…

I hate…


What about this makes me sad?

I am so hurt by…

I feel so disappointed that…


What about this makes me so afraid?

I’m sacred that…

It scares me when…

Why does it scare me?

What about this makes me feel insecure?

What is the deep wound hiding underneath the anger and sadness?

What painful thing does this situation remind me of?


I regret…

I’m sorry that…

What part of this situation do I take responsibility for?

I didn’t mean to…

I understand that…

I know sometimes I…

What do I want forgiveness for?


Deep down I have the purest of intentions and they are…

Deep down, in my heart, I want…

I promise to…

What solutions to this situation can I think of?

I hope that…

I feel gratitude for…

I forgive…

Write these questions down in a journal and come back to them anytime you are feeling triggered or better yet get the book How to Love Yourself by Teal Swan. It has been a great support for me and I’m sure it will be for you too.

Suse Silva