Living in gratitude is life changing. If you are unsatisfied with where you are right now,
Miracles are waiting just around the corner. You must make the shift first and align yourself to the frequency of gratitude.
How to practice gratitude:
Every night or every morning I write down what I am grateful for and why I am grateful for it.
I am grateful for every single being that has left a mark (good or bad) on my life. They have all contributed to shaping who I am in one way or another. Thank you!
I am grateful for all of the healing modalities that I have studied and continue to practice. They have greatly supported me through this life that is often filled with challenges. Thank you!
I am grateful for Mother Earth. This planet/home is breathtakingly beautiful. It blows my mind when I take a moment to step back and look in awe at how strange this planet/this life/this experience truly is. We are just spinning around a giant fire ball in space. Thank you!
I am grateful for all of you that are reading this, and support my work. This community has been very supportive through my many transitions. We grow together. I love you all. Thank you!
What are you grateful for today? Take some time to journal on this!