We are all interconnected
“It seems both outrageous and irresponsible that so few mental health clinicians connect the epidemics of mental distress in industrials societies with the devastating impact of our suicidal destruction of our own habitat and ecocidal elimination of whole species.” - Linda Buzzell and Craig Chalquist
Most people with mental health distress/disorders are just hypersensitive to the 💩 our society tries to hide from us. Mostly referring to the climate crisis here by unfortunately there is a lot more taht isn’t always publicized.
We have to do the work.
We have to uncover these truths and understand them on our own/with like-minds.
It’s exhausting but necessary.
We might not be able to see it all or intellectualize it fully but we can feel it in our bones.
so if you are wondering why you’re still feeling a little (or a lot) off these days, may I be the one to remind you of the millions of humans that died from covid-19 within the last 3 years and the million species that are extinct.
Mother Earth is resilient and will do whatever it takes to clear away the dis-ease (humankind), unless the dis-ease heals itself.
In the meantime know that your “off” feeling is valid. There is a lot going on!
You don’t always need to have a “why”.
Take time to rest, write, read, dance, move your body, be in nature, meditate, talk to a friend and be with whatever is coming up for you. Know that I am always here for you too!